FPC confirms cooperation with Zwipe concerning FPC's touch fingerprint sensors
Fingerprint Cards (FPC) confirms that it has an ongoing cooperation with Zwipe, whereby FPC delivers FPC's touch fingerprint sensor technology to Zwipe. The cooperation with Zwipe was initially presented to the market as a press release dated November 29, 2013. Since that date, Zwipe has continued to develop a biometric card solution based on FPC's technology, which Zwipe and MasterCard today announced jointly.
Jörgen Lantto, Acting CEO of FPC, comments as follows: "We are delighted and proud to see the new applications of our touch fingerprint technology that has been launched today by Zwipe in cooperation with MasterCard. We view this as an additional indication that there is a growing market for secure payments, whereby fingerprint sensors offer consumers more secure and convenient solutions."
The cooperation announced today is not expected to generate any significant revenues for FPC during 2014.
Kim Kristian Humborstad, CEO of Zwipe, comments as follows: "For some time now, we have been cooperating with FPC, where FPC's touch fingerprint sensor technology fits excellent for our applications. We look forward to further cooperation with FPC as we take this card solution to the market during 2015."
For more information, contact:
Jörgen Lantto, Acting CEO Fingerprint Cards AB (publ), +46 (0) 31-60 78 20, investrel@fingerprints.com
About Fingerprint Cards AB (publ)
Fingerprint Cards AB (FPC) markets, develops and produces biometric components and technologies that through the analysis and matching of an individual's unique fingerprint verify the person's identity. The technology consists of biometric sensors, processors, algorithms and modules that can be used separately or in combination with each other. The competitive advantages offered by the FPC's technology include unique image quality, extreme robustness, low power consumption and complete biometric systems. With these advantages and the ability to achieve extremely low manufacturing costs, the technology can be implemented in volume products such as smart cards and mobile phones, where extremely rigorous demands are placed on such characteristics. The company's technology can also be used in IT and Internet security, access control, etc.
Fingerprint Cards AB (publ) discloses this information pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act (2007:528) and the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980). The information was issued for publication on October 17, 2014 at 2.30 pm CET.
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